Our Value Proposal
Focused on what matters: the individuals we serve.
Every day is a day to thrive. That’s why our mission is simple: to serve intellectually and developmentally disabled clients in innovative, personalized and cost-effective ways.
With services designed to support the whole individual, we strive to redefine the experience of community living. Our experienced team of on-staff professionals includes:
- Case coordinators
- Nursing staff
- Therapeutic and behavioral experts
- Public benefits specialist
The in-house services we provide go above and beyond industry standard. You could easily attribute it to our genuine care in improving the lives of those we serve. But that’s really just a piece of what makes us different. At every touchpoint we look for ways to enhance our services and provide a comprehensive and personalized net of care coordination for our clients and their families.
Community-focused delivery is one of the keys to providing these individualized services, which means we invite parents, family members, friends, colleagues, church groups and local neighborhoods to all play a part in the planning and delivery of a well-synchronized life-plan.
Support, Inc. provides roundtable of support with the exclusive focus on the well-being of the individual entrusted in our care.
The Support, Inc. Way
Our Value Proposal
The Perfect Match
We will find the perfect match for you or your loved one.
Creative Solutions
We will find creative solutions that fit your unique needs and circumstance.
Professional & Experienced Staff
We provide professional and experienced nursing and behavior staff to support you, your loved one and/or your provider.
Continuity of Care
We will work diligently and with integrity, communicating and collaborating with you or your loved one’s entire care team including CCB case managers, family members and/or guardians, psychiatrists and other mental health professionals, primary care physicians and other medical specialists. We believe continuity of care is a key component in order to produce positive outcomes.
Extensive Support
We will provide extensive support to our providers in efforts of cultivating long-lasting placements.
Support, Inc. provides a synergy of support and expertise as all the pieces come together under our care coordination and creative problem-solving.
We assure all of our consumers our very best efforts for quality. Support, Inc. has a system for identifying and evaluating the outcomes and results of all services that it provides to people. Our system, at a minimum, contains effectiveness and efficiency measures, as well as, consumer satisfaction. Measures are in place for each program and are reviewed annually. Our annual report is available to our various constituents and includes reports from various committees and other processes as determined by the President and Board of Directors.
By working with an assigned Program Coordinator, each Host Home Provider receives ongoing training in the field of developmental disabilities. Each provider also receives training specific to the person’s needs – helping establish a constructive relationship between the Host Home Provider and the individual. The primary goal of a Host Home Provider is to provide the kind of support an adult with developmental disabilities needs to become an active member of the community.

We take pride in working proactively to avoid safety issues in our host homes and day program. A committee comprised of members from each department meets on a quarterly basis to evaluate problem areas and then devises methods to ensure maximum safety for the clients we serve. The committee organizes trainings with experts to enhance staff and provider knowledge in the area of safety. Such areas include fire extinguisher training with the fire department, proper lifting and transfer techniques of non-ambulatory consumers by a physical therapist.
Visits are documented and designed to look for safety issues within the home or within the individual’s life. Each individual has a safety plan that incorporates his or her abilities and highlights areas of support which are required to keep that individual safe. The program coordinator reviews this plan with the provider and individual each quarter, paying special emphasis to the areas of greatest concern. This monitoring and documentation system allows us to identify and fix safety issues; and support the consumer and provider in ensuring maximal safety within the residential setting.
At Support, Inc. we support and encourage individuals to actively participate in the design of the care that they receive. Choice is everything in our services. To that end, we ask consumers of services to become actively involved in the selection of a living situation. For example, we look at what part of town the person wants to be in, what sort of family or home setting he/she would prefer (i.e. homes with pets, kids, a quiet home or an active home?). We believe in the rights of people to speak up, so that if you are not satisfied at any time with the services that are being provided, we will be happy to sit down with you and design an alternative that better suits your interests and preferences. We believe in the inalienable rights of individuals to make choices, not only about the important things in their lives but also on simple day to day issues, such as how one spends their recreational time, preferred meals and snacks, activities, religious or spiritual preferences. We ask people to consider what it is they are interested in accomplishing, what one might be interested in learning or experiencing and then work towards making that happen.