Hello Support Inc. Teams, I am proud to announce that Loveland will be moving its office on July 22nd, 2015! This venture will be a new frontier for Support, Inc. in helping us to navigate a more Family Caregiver centered setting as well as a more Person-Centered feel. It is an old Victorian house built in 1901. It has just been remodeled and will help us to support community activities and support groups to inspire connections that may have not otherwise been made. We also continue to provide Host Home options and Supported Living Services as well as Children Extensive Supports out of the Loveland office. We are hoping to build and grow in all program areas. We will let you know when we are moved in and ready to have an Open House! We have a kitchen so cooking/baking is encouraged! |

We will be at 245 W. 4th Street in Loveland. Keep in mind that the office may be down for a week as we get organized. We will all be working remotely however and can be contacted through our usual contacts. Help us celebrate this awesome addition to Support, Inc. and all of the people that have put in such hard work, creativity and innovation to make this happen! Check it out!