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May Host Home Provider of the Month

Whether it’s a hobby, skill or job, we all know how challenging it can be to learn something new. From learning new policies, practices and procedures to getting to know new people and personalities, it can sometimes be a lot to take in – and Migmar has done just that, rising to the challenge beautifully! Bryan moved in with Migmar and her partner, Zack, just a few weeks ago, allowing her the opportunity to wear the hat of Host Home Provider for the first time. And she’s absolutely crushing it!  

Growing up in a family involved with the IDD community, Migmar began providing respite care as she went through college. She found herself not just being helpful to her family but genuinely loving the company of the individuals she was meeting and providing care for. She pursued a degree in psychology with the goal of helping people, and in her role as HHP, she has found a way to make a real difference every single day in a very hands-on way. When asked what sort of change Bryan has brought to her life, Migmar said “Bryan is so funny! He’ll try to make us laugh every day. Plus, he gets me out all the time!” They try to get out of the house multiple times a week, going shopping, taking trips to the library, playing tennis, but Bryan would tell you that his favorite thing to do with Migmar is go to the movies (particularly horror movies because as he said, “Migmar gets a little scared and hides her face.”). 

Not only has Migmar opened her home to Bryan, but she truly goes out of her way every single day to make sure he has what he needs to live a full and comfortable life. From contacting day programs in her free time to physically walking into his place of work to help him iron out his schedule, to signing up for classes to expand her knowledge, Migmar consistently goes above and beyond to be the absolute best provider she can be. She may be new to the job title of HHP, but anyone who meets her or talks to Bryan about how happy he is in their home would know that she is the exact type of person who is meant to make a difference. Her dedication and heart have impressed everyone on Bryan’s team. We are so honored to work with such incredible people and providers at Support Inc! 

 Thank you, Migmar, for your outstanding work and congratulations on being named the May Host Home Provider of the Month!!!


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Kelly Completes the Highline Canal Race!

Support Inc. individual in services, Kelly, recently completed the Highline Canal Race! Kelly was able to participate in this 5k race with the help of Ainsley’s Angels a group that recruits runners to push riders in specialized wheelchairs to give them the experience of racing. Our very own, Kelly, raced in this year’s event! Congratulations to Kelly on this special accomplishment and thank you to Ainsley’s Angels and all the volunteers that made this possible!



BACPAC program

BACPAC Program

A Support, Inc. panel sharing information about our BACPAC (Bold Adventures Creating Possibilities And Challenges) program.


Intake Department News & Updates

Greetings from the Intake Department! We are excited to introduce you to our new team structure and provide an update on the Support Inc. Intake Team.

New Team Structure:

Director of Intake and Public Relations- Brian Slusarz

Lead Intake and Marketing Specialist- Cathy Kellogg

Intake Specialist- Cindy Cridlebaugh

Intake Specialist- Kristin Kemp

Intake Team Updates:

The Support Inc. Intake Team continues to work hard with a focus on bringing new individuals, families and providers into our wonderful services. Our job is to make the onboarding process into our services as seamless and as simple as possible. Are team is dedicated to ensuring a smooth transition with a heavy focus on customer service. Our new team structure, with added staff resources has hopefully, enhanced the customer experience when enrolling in our services.

In addition to the above core function, we continue to search for in-home respite providers! If you live anywhere along the Front Range and are open to providing respite in the family’s home, please email us at placement.team@supportinc.com. We also continue to recruit host home providers in Jefferson, Pueblo, El Paso, Larimer, Boulder, Weld, Washington, and Yuma counties. We are also searching for providers with behavioral experience. We will pay a one-time $300 referral bonus to anyone that refers friends or family to us! (For placements that last 90 days or longer). We are also providing sign on bonuses to HHPs in certain locations. Please visit Support, Inc. – Career Page (applytojob.com) for more information.

Lastly, the Intake Team is excited to announce the opening of our new office in Sterling, CO!!! We have been serving individuals and families in Northeastern Colorado for over a decade and we’re excited to finally have a physical location in Sterling. We will be hosting an Open House BBQ Party on June 13th. For more information, please contact info@supportinc.com

QA COrner

Quality Assurance News & Updates

June is National Safety Month, and this year the focus is on safety in the workplace.

Preventing injuries at work.

  1. Have good lifting posture.
  2. Before lifting
    • Be aware of the object’s weight
    • Make sure the work environment is flat, dry, and debris-free
    • Check that the lift direction is straight
    • Take care of any tripping risks or debris
    • Look for any muddy or slippery areas
    • Make multiple trips, don’t try to do it all at one time
  3. During lifting
    • Never twist your torso while lifting
    • Stay “nose between your toes”
    • Never lift a heavy item above shoulder level
    • Never carry a load that obstructs your vision
    • Never hold your breath while lifting, moving, and setting the load down
    • Keep the load close to your waist for as long as possible
    • Adopt a stable position
    • Don’t flex your back any further while lifting
    • Avoid twisting your back or leaning sideways especially while your back is bent
    • Keep your head up when handling
    • Get a good handhold and do not twist while lifting
  1. Always follow standard precautions.
    • Standard precautions apply to the care of all people and are applied when there is a risk of exposure to (1) blood; (2) bodily fluids/secretions/excretions; (3) non-intact skin, and (4) mucous membranes.
    • Standard precautions include:
      1. Hand hygiene: wash hands frequently for at least 40-60 seconds.
      2. Use personal protective equipment (PPE) to serve as a barrier to protect skin, mucous membrane, airway, and clothing. This includes gloves, masks and gowns.
      3. Follow respiratory hygiene/ cough etiquette.
      4. Properly handle, clean and disinfect care equipment.
      5. Routinely clean and disinfect the environment.
      6. Follow safe injection practices.
  1. Prevent slips, trips, and falls. Falls can happen anywhere. Whether it’s working at heights or tripping on the same level, you always need to keep your eyes out for hazards.
    • Keep walkways and staircases clear.
    • Practice good cord management! Secure cords and when needed, tape down power cords and cables to prevent tripping.
    • Clean up spills and messes promptly.
    • Ensure there is proper lighting.
    • Keep floors clean and dry.
  2. Be prepared for an emergency.
    • The 1st week of June is national CPR & AED awareness week. Delivering first aid quickly and effectively can be lifesaving as every second counts when someone has lost consciousness. CPR/FA training must be renewed every 2 years, to find a class near you use this link.
    • Have basic supplies: water, flashlight, first aid kit, extra batteries, radio, etc.
    • Be prepared for natural disasters, listen to EAS, NOAA weather radio or local alerting systems for current emergency information and instructions.
Nursing Team Services masthead

Nursing Team Services

Learn more about Support, Inc.’s nurse team and the assistance they provide for the individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities we serve.


The Hive Community Center

The Hive Community Center is a new, inclusive space in Parker! Through Mill Levy funding, Developmental Pathways is sponsoring individuals residing in Arapahoe, Douglas, and Elbert Counties to utilize The Hive. Funding is available on a first-come, first-served basis and only for a limited time. Even after sponsorship funding expires, all Health First Colorado members will always receive 50% off reservations. Check out the link below for more information.



Benefits Services

Support, Inc.’s “Ultimate Benefits Specialist” provides valuable information about benefits from Medicaid and Medicare to Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).


Prader-Willi Syndrome Awareness Month!

May is Prader-Willi Syndrome Awareness Month! Diane Sheeran has been with Support Inc for over a decade and living with her current Host Home Provider (HHP) for over 5 years. Dianne has a diagnosis of Prader-Willi Syndrome, and her Siblings would like to share a positive story and resources for anyone with or supporting a loved one with this diagnosis.

Prader-Willi Syndrome Association USA – Supporting Families

PWSA | USA’s Residential Providers Conference – Prader-Willi Syndrome Association | USA. This is info on a Residential Providers Conference Aug 18-Aug 20 In-person and Virtual

“A positive story is Diane’s success with Support Inc, RPC Richard Shaw and HHP. Richard was with us before our mom passed. Mom pretty much overruled many suggestions and only allowed certain things to happen. Diane could go very few places in public, yet alone to a grocery store or restaurant. Diane only lasted a few months with the first HHP. It was her first time as an HHP so had no experience with anyone, yet alone a person with a diagnosis of Prader-Willi and definitely not Diane! When her HHP was first introduced to her, Di was coming out of the hospital, weighed over 285 lbs, diabetic, diagnosed with congestive heart failure and was given 6 months to live if there were not drastic changes. HHP had a plan, said it will take time, but she needed the family support, so we gave her our 100% support. Now admittedly at times there were questions and concerns, I’m sure HHP had them too, haha, but the results became apparent quickly. Diane is in the best health she has ever been because of her current HHP”.
-Tim Sheeran

“Richard has been with us for so long, he is like part of the family! He knows the family, our quirks and uniqueness. I remember the time Diane was in a play sponsored by Support Inc. and Richard and I just stood there sobbing as Diane actually participated and was so proud of herself. He’s been with us and helped us navigate the death of our mother and again at the death of our brother from COVID.

I can’t express enough gratitude to the HHP for opening her home to accept Diane. We fondly call her Saint HHP. There was more than one time I was sure we would be hunting for a new provider, but HHP would come back and say she and the boys discussed it and they wanted Diane to come back to their home. Prader- Willi Syndrome is very difficult as it changes the life and patterns of everyone living with the person. HHP and her family had to make drastic changes to help Diane. The current HHP has learned how to control Diane’s food and behavior issues but still let’s Diane be Diane! I am so grateful to Matt for being adamant that we enrolled Diane into Support Inc services when we did. There is not a cure for PWS but thanks to the HHP and Support, Inc Diane does have a quality life.”
-Linda Sheeran