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Finance Department Updates

The Finance Department: 

Greetings from the Finance Department! We are excited to introduce a new team member and provide an update on HHP payments and some projects we are focusing on. 

New Team Member: 

Please welcome Amy Baum, our new Office Manager. She joined Support, Inc. this month! “I am a Colorado native and mom of two wild teenage boys. I come from a large roofing Company where I worked as the assistant production manager for both our residential and commercial projects. I am new to the health care industry but am very excited to learn the ins and outs. When not at work, I enjoy being outdoors camping, or fishing. I have been blessed to travel to Kauai for the last several years and look forward to that trip over and over again.  I have a very spoiled English Bulldog, Chance, who also got to see Kauai our last trip there.  


I am very excited to join the team and look forward to working with everyone!” Swing by and meet Amy at the Aurora office. Amy is providing many of the same supports that her predecessor, Tammy, did. Answering your questions or directing concerns to the right department is just one important part of what she does. We are so happy to have her on our team, ensuring we provide the level of customer service we pride ourselves on. 

Final Update Moving Host Home Provider Payments to ADP: 

The transition to ADP for HHP payment is complete and has been in effect for about 3 months now. With this transition HHPs can access their personnel files, pay stubs, see and update their contact information or direct deposit information through a secure online portal. Vicki Stroud from HR lead a training to help familiarize HHPs with ADP and a video of the training is available upon request. Any questions HHPs have regarding the training or ADP payments can be directed to hradmin@supportinc.com 

We on the finance team want to give a huge thank you to the whole of HR and the Residential team who were instrumental in making this transition a successful and smooth one. 

The Remainder of 2024 for the Finance Team:  

With the end of the year rapidly approaching we are focused on optimizing our billing across the Support Network, automating and expanding the reporting available to upper management, chipping away at the denied claims list and eligibility challenges presented by the case management redesign and state system issues and preparing for the 2025 tax season. 


Common Question Topics for Finance and Where to Direct:   

Host Home Provider Payments – hradmin@supportinc.com 

FCG-IC Payments – accountspayable@supportinc.com 

FCG, Employee, and HHP Pay History – Can be found in your ADP Portal under “Myself”- “Pay”- “Pay & Tax Statements” 

Bill.com Questions/ Payee Account Set up – accountspayable@supportinc.com 

Verification of Income/Employment Requests for FCG-ICs – accountspayable@supportinc.com 

Verification of Income/Employment Requests for HHP – hradmin@supportinc.com 

Verification of Income/ Employment Requests for Employees or FCGs – hradmin@supportinc.com 

Medicaid Redetermination Questions – Lily.kirkman@supportinc.com 

Social Security Benefits & Paperwork Requests – Lily.kirkman@supportinc.com 

Cigna and Other Insurance Benefits Questions – hradmin@supportinc.com 


How do I update my direct deposit information? 

  • If you are set up with an ADP account, Log into ADP, under “Myself” – “Pay” – “Payment Options” from there you can add or edit the bank information we have on file. 
  • If you are not set up with an ADP account, e-mail accountspayable@supportinc.com . Please include your support team in case we need to contact you with any further questions. 
Blowing out candles

Cat-Dad Robert Celebrates Two Birthdays

Robert decided that his two cats Haley and Hillary would celebrate their birthdays together. He got decorations, a cake and treats for both of them, turning 2 and 7 years old respectively. He spent a couple months planning it and purchasing a new cat tree for them. They didn’t really go for the cake, but had some wet cat food instead.

Danyelle brought some toys and Jennifer (their coordinator) brought a catnip plant, which has since been replanted and chewed on happily by Haley (Hillary likes the dry stuff only Robert reports).

Robert had fun and his kitties did too!!

Kole and Billie 2024

Kole Lands a New Job!

We continue to highlight positive happenings around the agency this month. Read ahead to learn how Kole and his provider Billie worked together to seek employment opportunities!

My name is Victoria and I’m writing to share a story on behalf of a person I work with. This person I am writing about has achieved a goal; it was to find a job.

Kole found a job at the prestigious restaurant Cheyenne Mountain Resort. He has been at this job for a few months and has done such an excellent job that they keep trying to give him more hours than he is allowed to work. I have only had KB on my caseload since March 2024 and in that amount of time he has shown so much growth! All of this would not be possible without the assistance of his amazing host home provider Billie.

I have watched her talk with him about goals and steps needed to reach those goals, I have watched her praise him when KB advocates for himself. Kole is doing so well at his job they sometimes ask him to do things outside of what he was hired for.

As anyone who knows Kole, you want to step in and protect him from being taken advantage of, but he has advocated for himself that there are some things he doesn’t mind doing and others he will say no to. It was a big step for him to ask Billie to let him handle his job on his own as anyone else would and if he needed assistance, he would let her know. Billie has gone above and beyond with picking him up after 10pm and dropping him off early in the mornings. She really is an HHP who just wants to see her PRS’s grow! I am so proud to work with amazing people like Kole and Billie!

Missy positive story

Missy Enjoys a Birthday Trip

Sometimes we like to share positive stories, highlighting the relationships between the providers and the people they serve.
In early September, one of our individuals receiving services, Missy, told her HHP Genet that she would like to go on a trip to celebrate her birthday. They talked about where they should go, and Missy said she wanted to go visit some friends from church who had recently moved to Dallas and visit Genet’s daughter who also lives there.
Genet made all the arrangements, and they had a wonderful time visiting friends and family. They also made day trips to historical sights and local attractions.
Happy Birthday to Missy! One of her most valuable gifts is her amazing HHP Genet who does everything she can to make Missy’s wishes come true!!
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Host Home Provider of the Month

Please join us in congratulating Annita for Host Home Provider of this month!! This submission was written by Abeer on behalf of the Denver Metro 1 Team:

I nominate Annita for HHP of the month because of her person centered approaches and her  dedication to providing the highest quality of services to the persons receiving services.


Annita supports the whole person and has an innate ability to personalize services and supports to meet the person where they are. Her calm and composed demeanor is contagious and does carry on to the PRS.


One of the PRS in my caseload moved to Annita’s home in Feb of 2024. For the purpose of this communication, we will call this PRS AB5. Prior to moving to Annita’s home, AB5 demonstrated little to no interest in communicating with people and seemed unaware of my presence in almost every home visit I made. I had to take the initiative and the effort to communicate with AB5. After moving in with Annita, AB5 started to come to me when I go there. AB5 looks at me when I attempt to communicate and sometimes, AB5 will come to me before I even try to reach out.


AB5 has gained many new skills since moving to Annita’s! AB5, for example, started to participate in putting clothes in the laundry basket.  AB5 started to engage in simple table top activities and has shown interest in the other PRS living in the home.


AB5 doesn’t demonstrate the interest in choosing clothes or the ability to participate in choosing what to wear. Annita, however, does care and will invest every effort in ensuring that AB5 has opportunities to choose the best of clothes.

Thanks again Annita for everything you do to support AB5!!

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Nurse Team Updates

Hello and Happy September to everyone! We recently restructured the Nurse Team following Morgan’s departure. As Brian Farestad (VP of Operations) mentioned earlier this summer-

I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge that Morgan Struck will be stepping down from her role as Associate Director of Nursing, so she can focus on completing her degree. Over the past five years, Morgan has been instrumental in the development of the Nursing team, as well as the overall growth and success of Support, Inc. as a whole. Truly a “People Helping People” person, Morgan always demonstrated a true passion for serving our individuals. Her undeniable knowledge and skill as a nurse, her ability to think strategically and turn vision into reality, her strong work ethic and willingness to go above and beyond, and unique blend of humor, kindness, and ferocity, will be missed.

Morgan’s last full-time day at Support was July 1st. Danyelle Grajeda took over as the manager of the Nurse Team and we are happy to share some additional updates with the organization.

Erin Gordon, a strong addition to the team for the last 11 months, was recently promoted to Lead Nurse Case Manager. We congratulate Erin on her recent promotion and wish her nothing but the best in this new position!

We also have the following members of the team below- we are so grateful to each of them as they continue to support and rally behind the folks we serve with a variety of medial needs.

Lauren Reed – Nurse Case Manager
Moriah Welles – Medical Coordinator
Nicole Jordan – Medical Coordinator

And last but not least, we have a link with more details on the flu. It’s important for everyone to protect themselves as the cold and flu season is upon us, especially if you already have medical needs and concerns. Please click the link below to learn more.

Cold and flu season


Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is breast cancer awareness month, an annual campaign to raise awareness about the impact of breast cancer. The National Breast Cancer Foundation’s campaign this year is Helping Women Now focusing on the importance of early detection. This includes doing monthly self-exams, scheduling regular physical exams and mammograms. Women should begin having a mammogram with their primary care physician at age 40.

Facts about Breast Cancer from The National Breast Cancer Foundation and American Cancer Society:

  • Breast cancer is the most common cancer for women worldwide.
  • 1 in 8 women receive a breast cancer diagnosis.
  • 1 in 726 men will receive a breast cancer diagnosis. While breast cancer in men is rare, it carries a higher mortality rate than women.
  • Breast cancer occurrence and death rates generally increase with age.
  • Only 5-10% of people diagnosed have a family history of breast cancer.
  • Black women are more likely to die from breast cancer at any age.
  • When breast cancer is detected early, and is in the localized stage, the 5-year relative survival rate is 99%

While there are breast cancer risk factors that you can not change such as being born female, getting older and inheriting certain gene changes, etc. there are things you can do to may help lower your risk of breast cancer.

  • Getting to and staying at a healthy weight. Both increased body weight and weight gain as an adult are linked with a higher risk of breast cancer after menopause.
  • Be physically active. Studies have shown that moderate to vigorous physical activity is linked with lower breast caner risk. American Cancer Society recommends that adults get at least 150 – 300 minutes moderate intensity or 75-150 minutes vigorous intensity activity each week.
  • Avoid or limit alcohol. Frequent consumption of alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer.
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Host Home Provider of the Month

DM4 would like to announce Provider Elly Daly for Host Home Provider of the Month! Elly Daly is a phenomenal provider for our PRS Selena Silva.

Even though Selena is unable to express what she wants or needs using words, Elly is able to understand her through her emotions and specific cues. Elly is organized and keeps an extensive record of Selena`s care.  Recently there had been a change to the team members and within 24 hours Elly updated her binder of information, so she knows who to contact for Selena`s needs. Elly works great with Selena`s family and Guardian. Guardian says “Elly is an awesome provider. She is very caring and thorough with the care she gives. She keeps me updated on any changes and events”


This past summer Elly took Selena on her dream vacation to SeaWorld in San Diego and Selena had a blast! Elly says at first she was worried on how Selena would do on the plane but she loved people watching and being out on their adventure! Thank you, Elly, for all that you do and the positive impact you make in Selena`s life and her loved ones.


Quality Assurance Webinar

Learn more about our amazing Quality Assurance Department here at Support, Inc.! We discuss why having this department is reassuring for the people we serve, their families and providers. Not all agencies have a QA department and we know that good quality is good care. We strive to work with families within the rules and regulations to provide a person-centered approach to each unique situation we encounter. Today, we discuss the goals of the department and how our employees keep the people we serve safe out in the community.


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the DD Waiver in Colorado

Often times we encounter families that are new to the DD waiver in Colorado and services in general. We are always happy to answer any questions you may have, even if it pertains to other waivers we do not serve. Although we may not know the answers to everything, the Intake Team is well-equipped to answer your questions. With a combined 60 years experience in the field, we’re well-connected to community partners along the Front Range and the Eastern Plains.

Reach out to Intake@supportinc.com for specific questions concerning unique situaitons. For broader and more general questions, please refer to the guide below.

 1. What is the DD waiver?

The DD Waiver stands for Developmental (and Intellectual) Disabilities and has been a tremendous resource for the people we serve and their families. Some of the benefits you can receive on the waiver include a budget to be spent one of three ways: Family Caregiver, Host Home or PCA (Personal Care Alternative aka an individual living on their own in the community). There’s additional funding as well to cover things such as behavioral/clinical services, job coaching, supported community connections and more.


We are happy to chat with you if you have any questions about services. Please contact Intake@supportinc.com for more details. Our Intake Team has a combined 57 years’ experience in the field. We offer free no-pressure consultations over the phone and online and we’re used to dealing with unique situations.


2. Brief history on the waiver

The waiver was introduced in the state of Colorado in 1983 as part of a national effort to move people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilites from institutions to community-based settings. Over the last 40 years, the field has grown larger. The Family Caregiver program was specifically introduced back in 2008 and fully implemented in 2010. We still have a ways to go as agencies across the state continue to make improvements by meeting the requirements of the new Case Management Redesign.


Support, Inc. is well equipped to handle these changes thanks to our Quality Assurance Department. We seamlessly adapt to change as the landscape for Intellectual and Developmental disability services continues to improve.


3. Case Management Redesign

Conflict Free Case Management (CFCM) is a federal mandate from Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) under the Federal Final Settings Rule. The rule requires there be a separation between case management agencies (formerly known as Community Center Boards, now referred to as Case Management Agencies) and direct services. This means, a company cannot provide both case management services and program services (provided by PASAs- Program Approved Service Agencies) , such as residential, day services or behavioral services to the same person. Many of Colorado’s CCBs had been providing both case management and program services and are now required to eliminate this conflict of interest.


The efforts of The Department of Health Care Policy and Finance (HCPF) to comply with federal requirements of (CFCM) have evolved into initiatives called Case Management Redesign.

The implementation of this process is nearly complete for most CCBs, now known as Case Management Agencies. We closely monitor changes and strive to maintain excellent communication with case managers and their agencies.

If you are struggling to reach your case manager in a timely manner, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at intake@supportinc.com We have a wealth of information and can research your questions for you, if you need additional assistance.


4. How to apply for the DD waiver

To apply for the DD waiver, you need to contact your county’s Case Management Agency. This website includes a list of counties. Once you find your county, reach out to them to get started. https://hcpf.colorado.gov/case-management-agency-directory


5. What happens if myself or my loved one doesn’t fit in the DD category?

Rest assured; Colorado offers access to other waivers for different needs. You can find more information at this link: https://hcpf.colorado.gov/hcbs-waivers


Again, please don’t hesitate to contact us about the DD waiver. We’ve helped many families navigate the Case Management Redesign. We are here to help!





