QA COrner

Federal Final Settings Rule

In 2014 the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services published the final settings rule requiring home and community-based services (HCBS) to meet certain criteria. This rule ensures that all people receiving HCBS waiver services have:
-Access to the benefits of community living
-Live and receive services in integrated and non-institutional settings.

Colorado has worked to transition into compliance with this rule over the last several years. All agencies (including Support Inc.) and all settings (residential, day services, employment) are required to be in full compliance with the rule by March 2023. Click on the links below to learn more about Federal Final Settings Rule.

ØCommunity Integration Tips

ØFAQ Part 1: General Questions

ØFAQ Part 2: Follow-up on General Questions

ØFAQ Part 3: Lease & Residential Agreements

ØFAQ Part 4: Employment-Related Services

ØFAQ Part 5: Myth Busters

ØResidential Setting Training

ØNon-Residential Setting Training

ØRights Modification Training

ØIndividual Rights & Rights Modification- Providers & CMA’s

ØIndividual Rights & Rights Modification- Families & Guardians

ØIndividual Rights & Rights Modification- Members

ØPerson-Centeredness & Requirements

ØUnderstanding Guardianship & Final Settings Rule

ØNational health Institute Writing Respectfully: Person-First and Identity-First Language

ØSocial Work Today Person-Centered Thinking in Developmental Disabilities- Dreaming Possible Dreams

Untitled Design (56)

Quality Assurance- Federal Final Settings Rule Series

In 2014, the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published a rule requiring home- and community-based services (HCBS) to be provided in settings that meet certain criteria. The criteria ensure that HCBS participants have access to the benefits of community living and live and receive services in integrated, non-institutional settings. Colorado has been working towards this transition for several years as CMS extended the transition period. The final transition period is March 2023 when all providers need to demonstrate full compliance with this rule.

Part One of our communication series will focus on person-centered practices.

Person-centered practices puts the person receiving HCBS services at the center, focusing on that person’s goals, values and the life they want to live. Through person-centered service planning, the team listens to what the person wants and tailors services and supports to meet that person’s goal. This is a change in how service planning often was in the past, when paid supports would voice what they felt the person should be doing. Through person-centered practices we give voice back to the person receiving services, recognize them as being the director of their lives and use services offered to them through paid support to meet their life goals.

Home and community-based services Comparison Chart
Traditional vs. Person Centered home and community based services

For more information from CMS about person-centered planning, follow this link to a slide deck presentation.