To all Support, Inc. Staff, Providers and Families:

Over the last 4 months, we’ve been talking a lot about the COVID-19 vaccine. If you are still looking for an appointment or have questions before making the decision to get the vaccine, please reach out to us, we are here to help. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) created the attached  guide illustrating how safe activities are if you have or have not received the COVID-19 vaccine.

As more Coloradoan’s are getting the vaccine and COVID-19 transmission across the state decreases counties are now able to determine their own level of ‘openness’.  Additionally, Colorado has lifted the state wide mask mandate in many settings. We have received updated guidance from HCPF (Health Care Policy and Financing) regarding our service delivery. As we receive new guidance, we continually review our COVID-19 operating protocol to ensure it still aligns with Federal, State, licensing and County guidance. We have updated our COVID-19 Operating Protocol for all employees and contractors. This protocol outlines how we will be operating our offices, day services, and in-person visits. Please take a moment to look over these changes. Please keep in mind that our protocols will be different than what is being communicated to the general public due to restrictions by our licensing agencies and the characteristics of the population that we serve.

In many cases, it’s been a full year of relying on virtual technology for home visits and other in-person services. We are excited to start getting back to in-person visits including in-person monitoring and expanded in-person day program services. Over the next month, your Residential Program Coordinator will be reaching out to schedule a monitoring visit in your home. We’ve created a ‘what to expect during in-person visits’ document which is also attached to this email.  Also, if you and your individual in services is interested in participating more with in-person day program or other services, please discuss this with your Residential Program Coordinator or a member of the Day Services team.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself, your supervisor or your Residential Program Coordinator.

Thank you, Laura Viers
Associate Director of Quality Assurance