Please join us in congratulating our Host Home Provider of the Month, Roxie!
Roxie has been a Host Home Provider with Support Inc since 2017, when Jay moved in with her. Jay was struggling with substance use and unhappy with his life when he moved in with Roxie, but over the years Roxie has offered phenomenal supports to Jay that help him live a healthy, happy, and productive life.
Thanks to Roxie, Jay is very involved in his church community. Jay goes to church every week and has built strong relationships with his fellow churchgoers. He also volunteers for events with the children’s ministry and attends church groups during the week. Jay is very thankful to Roxie for helping him find a place in his community. Jay has mentors through the church that he says he never would have found if not for Roxie. Roxie also connected Jay to his current employer, and Jay has been able to hold down employment for a year now – his longest time at one job. Jay says that Roxie helped him learn to take pride in doing a good job at work, and that she works with him daily to continue increasing his independence both at home and at work. Jay has said himself that if it wasn’t for Roxie, he would not be where he is now and would not have all these good things going for him.
Thanks Roxie for being such a great provider and excellent support!!