Jeremy Boudreaux has a lot to be thankful for this year. He is living independently in his own apartment, landed a job on his own and is planning a big Thanksgiving feast to celebrate.

Jeremy has Support, Inc. in his corner cheering him on and giving him the support he needs to live life on his own terms. Jeremy is 28 years-old and has mild intellectual disabilities. For the last seven years, Jeremy has worked with Support, Inc. and their team of caregivers that provide him with the help and support he needs, when he needs it – from integrated health care services and life skills development to access to community-based social activities and more. His team knows him well. When Jeremy decided he wanted to live independently in his own apartment, his team helped him identify and set goals that would help him make his dream a reality. By meeting each goal, Jeremy was able to make a safe transition from living with Host Home Providers to residing in his own apartment. Support, Inc. helps Jeremy remain safe, healthy and independent.

Jeremie has been enjoying apartment life for the last year with his dog, Zeus and his bearded dragon, Alex. His sister lives within walking distance. He loves cooking and honored his mom’s memory this Thanksgiving by cooking from her recipes. His Thanksgiving menu includes spinach casserole, cornbread casserole, green bean casserole, pecan pie and, of course, turkey with garlic and butter.

On Thursday, Jeremy visited with family in the early afternoon and served up his delicious side-dishes. Jeremy reports having a great time with his nephew and sister, Erika. Jeremy made a turkey and decided to leave it at his apartment for leftovers. This is “Italian style” turkey turned out well, and Jeremy plans to share the leftovers with his sister.

This year, Jeremy is grateful for his independence, his apartment, his job, his friends, his team, his dog Zeus, and his bearded dragon Alex. And we’re grateful to support Jeremy as he continues to thrive in the community!

Jeremy wants to share his story and let other people in similar situations know that, with the help of organizations like Support, Inc., they can live independently, too.

About Support, Inc.

With more than 32 years of experience, the Support, Inc. team offers a wide range of residential, day and clinical services to clients across the front range of Colorado. Support, Inc. has a unique, whole-person approach that allows caregivers to develop a deep understanding of each individual’s needs. As a Program Approved Service Agency (PASA), Support, Inc. is Medicaid certified and its programs are approved by the State of Colorado. Support, Inc. is redefining the life experience for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and is a leading provider of community-based solutions for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

If you know someone on the DD Waiver in needs of residential supports, please contact us at