Support, Inc. recently hosted it’s second vaccination clinic, and we’re proud to report on this successful accomplishment! We vaccinated 156 people for their second dose, and about 5 individuals received their first dose of the Moderna vaccine. From the set-up to the tear down, we’re so happy to share some details from the clinic. Everything ran smoothly and went off without a hitch.
First, we started by partnering with CDPHE. We worked together with medical staff on-site including RNs from the state and our very own Registered Nurse, Morgan Struck. Morgan and Laura (Associate Director of Quality Assurance) ensured we had the staff we needed to vaccinate as many people as possible, rapidly and safely. Our first clinic held on March 17th went well with no major hiccups. Thanks to this planning and preparation a month ago, we were well-equipped to lead our second clinic with the guidance of CDPHE staff.
It was a group effort to put on this vaccination clinic-before the first and second vaccination clinics, we held volunteer meetings to go over each person’s individual role in the process. We clarified questions and made sure everyone knew what they were doing. By the time the clinics rolled around, we felt well prepared and confident in leading the people we serve through the process we developed.
In addition, our Day Services staff closed the program the day before to prepare for everyone joining us the following day. Our DSPs and Day Program Supervisors were instrumental in hosting the clinic, alongside CDPHE staff. We thank everyone that volunteered their time to make this work. We mapped out our site to have a nice flow for the clinic. We also had a wait area for people to be monitored 15 minutes after their vaccination.
Our established COVID-19 Pandemic Committee thought about this vaccination process for the people we serve from multiple angles. We developed several accommodations for PRS, to make this as easy as possible for them. If someone would rather be vaccinated outside, we offered drive-up services for these individuals. We offered snack and water and juice to anyone that needed it. Support, Inc. also offered fidget spinners and other hand-held “gadgets”, if you will, to help keep folks entertained while they waited 15 minutes during their observation period.
So why did we host this clinic? We wanted the people we serve to have easy access to the vaccine. We also considered the needs of PRS and their families and providers to have a familiar setting in which to become vaccinated. Furthermore, we wanted our staff to have a place to come to, in case they needed the vaccine, as well. Ultimately, we endorse the vaccine and continue to encourage the people we serve and our entire network to get vaccinated soon!
Check out our photos from the vaccine clinic! And for further questions on the planning and the process, please email Cathy at