Hi everyone!

We wanted to remind our readers to keep an eye out for Open Enrollment in December. More details will be coming soon!

Also, the Safety Committee is reaching out to bring you some interesting and helpful safety information! Each month you will receive an e-mail from the safety committee regarding different safety topics. If you have topics you think would be helpful to your Support Inc. team, or you would be interested in joining, feel free to connect with anyone on the safety committee!

November Safety Topic:

Safe Travel Tips!

Did you know that during a 6-day period around Thanksgiving, the number of long-distance trips increases in the U.S by 54%!?

And 91% of that is by vehicle!

If you are looking to travel this holiday season (particularly in winter weather), please keep in mind the below tips.

  1. Prepare your car: make sure routine maintenance is followed, tires have a safe tread level and fluid levels are correct.
  2. Plan ahead for any stops, layovers, or overnight stays. This not only helps with finding best prices but allows you to plan ahead for any location specific needs (appropriate clothing, gas stops, emergency services).
  3. Be alert when driving. Take breaks, share driving responsibilities, be cautious of tailgaters or aggressive drivers and finally, if you are tired, find a place to sleep!
  4. Keep a first aid kit and weather specific items in your car. Extra clothing, water, jumper cables, and tire chains are just a few of the items that can be easily kept as an emergency kit.                                https://www.almanac.com/content/winter-car-emergency-kit
  5. If you are traveling to an unfamiliar place: research your destination, make copies of important documents, don’t keep all your money in one place and keep family and friends updated.

There are many helpful articles out there for further tips so do your research and stay safe this holiday season!

Finally, last but not least here are a couple travel memes to enjoy-

In addition, the STAR Committee enjoyed a recent meeting in which we exchanged Halloween photos over Zoom. From dressed up employees to the individuals we serve, there was certainly no shortage of cuteness.