At Support, Inc. we give a lot of thought to the matches we make, to ensure the health and safety and fulfillment of the people we serve. When Jesse came to us for services, we knew he was looking for a long-term placement, one that’s stable and feels like home. The Intake Team had an idea for the perfect match, and the rest is history! Today, we share a success story that we’re proud to reflect upon. From introductions to placement, Jesse’s story remains a favorite.

Herry and Val (Support, Inc. Host Home Providers) started getting to know Jesse in October of 2019. The Intake Team and providers wanted to respect Jesse and his family’s desire of taking the process slow. We began with short meetings initially and gradually increased the time to overnight visits. Val relayed they practiced several weekend visits before Jesse agreed to move-in. “It was a slow process at first, but we enjoyed getting to know Jesse without the rush or pressure of needing to move right away”, Val relayed. The slow pace was welcomed by all parties involved, to ensure Jesse would be happy in his new home. By the time Jesse moved in with Herry and Val, it was late March 2020, and the pandemic had just begun.

Jesse, Val and Herry were still getting to know each other during quite a tumultuous time. But despite the circumstances, Jesse and Val report that things ran smoothly. Jesse’s mother, Nancy, agrees that the match happened just in time for the couple to shelter in place with Jesse and another individual in the home.

For the last year and a half, Jesse has eased into his new home without a hitch, and we couldn’t be more proud of him for taking this step. When asked about their favorite memories over the last year, Jesse relays he enjoyed the Christmas lights. Val discussed how Christmas in Color, located in Morrison, was such a nice reprieve from the pandemic. Jesse reports that the Christmas lights were really special. “The lights allowed us to step away from COVID”, Val relayed. Christmas was quiet for their family last year, and so the lights were something safe to look forward to from the comfort of their vehicle.

Jesse has also taken the time to work with a writing coach, to hone in on his writing skills. His first assignment was a letter to Herry/Val. In this, Jesse describes his positive experiences since moving in with the providers. The timing couldn’t be better, as this letter was delivered around the time of their one-year anniversary living together.

In the letter, Jesse relayed

Based on our first meeting, the way you treated me and answered my questions, I felt like all these things could work out well. After we had met and talked awhile, for the first time I felt real hope that there could be people I would enjoy living with.

More recently, Herry, Val and her family (who also happen to be providers) took Jesse on a hike in Dillon. Sapphire Point offers beautiful views, but the steep climb was difficult, at times, to manage. Jesse uses a specialized wheelchair and even though it’s manual, the rocky and gravely trail made for a fun and challenging experience for the providers. But Val relays she didn’t mind at all.  “The trail was only one mile long, and it was worth it to see Jesse’s reaction at the top. We took it nice and easy and made sure he was safe and having fun”.

When asked, “What are your favorite things about Jesse?”, Val relays how much she’s enjoyed learning more about him. “His reactions, the way he talks. His sense of humor. How he inserts himself into conversations. Sometimes when I’m having a hard day at work, he listens and feels like a brother to me. He’s lived an incredible life and it’s very been nice having another member of the family. His parents are amazing, and we all get along so well.

Now that things are slowly beginning to re-open, Herry and Val are planning a trip soon-to either Vegas or San Diego or both. Jesse looks forward to future plans with his providers and we look forward to hearing of their adventures!

To conclude, Jesse has found a wonderful, long-term placement with Herry and Val. Both parties agree that the match feels like family, and Jesse reports feeling happy in his new home. We thank Herry and Val for not only welcoming Jesse into their home, but truly integrating Jesse into their family and plans, such as weekend hikes and traveling across the country.

If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a provider, let’s chat! Please email our Intake department at