The people we serve have a wide variety of options when it comes to celebrating the holidays. Some individuals spend the time with their families. Others enjoy the company of their host home providers. For Jim, he enjoyed Thanksgiving with his providers, Juanita and Lendy! The three of them, along with two other individuals in the home, took an amazing road trip California. From Las Vegas to Disney, Laguna Beach and back to Vegas, Jim had quite the adventure in late November.

Jim enjoyed a week-long trip beginning with a road trip to Las Vegas. Juanita reports the majority of these details, on Jim’s behalf, with his permission. Juanita relays that they started with gambling in Las Vegas, people watching and spending time at the aquarium. The fish provided great entertainment in a calm and intriguing environment. Afterwards, Jim perused the strip and reportedly felt mesmerized by the holiday lights. 

The group traveled to Disney next. Between the Christmas Parade, shopping and meeting all the characters, Juanita described this as a highlight of Jim’s trip.

“We grabbed some funds from his trust, so he could shop at Disney Land. Jim looked great in his new Mickey ears, and we could tell he enjoyed picking out several souvenirs!!”

It was hard to pull themselves away from Disney, but alas, the show must go on. Jim, Juanita and the crew continued their adventure to Laguna Beach, their final destination. The weather was warm and breezy with breath-taking views of the ocean. Juanita took Jim and the other two individuals to see the beach, and they enjoyed a stroll along the sand. Juanita remembers their picnic fondly, with a blanket in the sand and yummy snacks for all to share. Spending time in Laguna Beach was calm and relaxing, a great way to wrap up the trip before returning home.

When asked what was Jim’s favorite part of his vacation, Juanita suspects it was Las Vegas and Disney Land. She relays this was very exciting for him. When asked what Juanita enjoyed most, she said, “This was first time taking Jim on vacation with us. We greatly enjoyed his presence, his smile and his enjoyment as we explored a few places together!” Juanita also admitted that returning to Las Vegas on the way back was fun, as well.

What makes this most incredible is, Jim is in respite with Juanita and Lendy, a temporary placement! We are blown away to their commitment of individuals in respite; it’s not every day that someone in a temporary home is able to travel to such nice locations. Jim has been with Juanita for the last 6 weeks and Jim will be given a choice where to live once that decision needs to be made, with Juanita as an option. To top it all off, Jim and their other two individuals traveled to Steamboat a few days later. Additionally, a Florida trip is in the works for next year.

Ultimately, we love to read of Jim’s adventures. We’re so happy for the care that Juanita and Lendy provide him, and we hope to hear of more travel in the future!

Support, Inc. is a residential service agency that provides support to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. If you or someone you know could benefit from DD services in Colorado, please email us at