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Quality Assurance- Federal Final Settings Rule Series Part Two

Part Two of our Final Settings Rule communication series will focus on informed choice. Read Part One.

Last month we focused on person-centered planning. This month we will build on person-centeredness with the requirement of informed choice. All settings (residential, day program and employment) must optimize individual initiative, autonomy and independence in making life choices. This includes:

  • Each person has privacy in their bedroom. They have a lockable door and only appropriate staff have a key. They can decorate and furnish their bedroom however they want.
  • People get to choose where they live, who they live with including other people in services and who provides their services.
  • People have the freedom and support to control their own schedules and activities.
  • People can have visitors of their choice to their home at any time.
  • People can socialize with people of their choice.
  • People are given 24-7 access to shared telephones and computers, either by making such resources available within the setting (e.g., a dedicated “house phone”) or by helping people access such resources elsewhere.
  • People have access to food at all times, can choose when and where to eat. People have input into meal planning.
  • People can come and go as they wish and have their own key to the home they live in.
  • People have full access to typical areas of the home (kitchen, dining area, laundry and other shared areas).
  • People can control their own money. They can spend their money when they want and on what they want.
  • People have a secure place to keep their belongings when at day program.
  • People live in a home that is accessible to them (such as wheelchair ramps if needed).

As part of the person-centered planning process, people are supported to make informed choices to direct their own lives. Our roles as paid support providers and caregivers is to help the person make informed decisions, support the person to live the life they want and provide services and supports for them to meet their individual goals.