It is always nice to hear when an individual makes a switch in their lives and it works out to be a very positive turn of events.  Here is a message from the Host Home Provider for Ben, as he recently tried to a new day program.

Hello all team Ben. I just wanted to touch base on his new day program and Direct Support Professional. This is week 3 and Ben is excited to go to Day Program. He is enjoying new friends and doing favorable activities such as learning his way around computers and making cupcakes. I have had no issues getting him on access a ride and no accidents this far. He works with Chris on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s. I love that Ben is happy again and I’m so glad, Positive Approach has been very helpful and accepting of Ben. Thanks to everyone for the support.

Way to go, Ben! We are so happy to hear that things are running smoothly with this transition. We wish him nothing but the best as Ben continues to develop his skills!