Good afternoon,

In an effort to follow stay at home orders, limit travel and reduce the spread of illness we have temporarily changed our process for submitting receipts for reimbursement for client expenses and additional client fund check requests. At this time, we ask you not drop receipts off at the office. We have limited staff in the building and additional precautions in place for visitors to our offices. Please review the information and procedure below and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. We hope this process will make submitting requests easier and more streamlined for everyone.

1. Reimbursement for client expenses:

If you have purchased items that require client reimbursement, please submit the receipts with one of the following methods.

Reimbursement checks will be cut and mailed to you on Tuesdays by our finance team.

a. Mail all receipts including a note with your full name and the client’s full name to our Aurora office 15591 E. Centretech parkway Aurora, CO 80011 attention Lily.

b. Scan/ take pictures of all receipts (ensure you capture the full receipt image) and email them to and include in the email the full name of the client the purchase was for.

2. Client checks:

a. PNF (personal needs fund) checks will be mailed to the provider with their monthly check.

b. Additional client fund checks please call or email the RPC or Lily to request additional checks for clients. These checks will be cut and mailed on Thursdays.