Please join us in congratulating our April Host Home Provider of the Month- Jackie Muniz of Pueblo Community Resources! There are so many of our providers that stand out as just all-around amazing humans. Miss Jackie Muniz is just that, an amazing human. She lives next door to her ageing father, who we all affectionately call, Mr. M. He has been a host home provider with Pueblo Community Resources since nearly the beginning, worked with many different people in services and has been a haven for CR for a long time. When Jackie noticed her father was really struggling with his health, she called us at the office to do a little wellness check right away. CR was safe and happy, but it was clear that it was time to make some changes for Mr. M to be able to focus on his own health. Jackie was more than willing to take CR in her home, having been in this field for over 30 years, she knew that she could offer a similar lifestyle and safe place that CR is most used to. He moved in with Jackie, right away and she has worked so hard to make sure he has everything he needs to feel at home. She caught on to our software quickly, she never hesitated to jump right in and has been able to nourish the relationship the CR and Mr. M have. They maintain their close friendship with daily contact and Jackie makes sure neither of them feels the changes too hard. Her home is comfortable, he is very well fed (Jackie is a stellar cook!) and she has CR out running around with her all the time. He is living his best life with Jackie! We are forever grateful to her for her attentiveness to everything with CR and Mr. M. Her care and concern are truly why CR continues to thrive. Thank you, Jackie, and congratulations on being named the April Host Home Provider of the Month!!!